Hannah Elizabeth Livingston of Chapin, South Carolina passed away early the morning of September 7th 2020 after 6 years of life.
Hannah was born January 11th 2014 in Columbia South Carolina to the parents of Craig and Jenny Livingston and older brother Joey Simpson of Chapin South Carolina.
She is survived by paternal grandparents Michael and Katie Livingston and Aunt Tina Livingston. She is predeceased by maternal grandparents Arnold Leighton Dyches and Regina Blackwell Dyches.
Hannah was sent from heaven and left an imprint of compassion and grace on every heart she touched. The world was a better place while she was here and she will never be forgotten nor will memories of her diminish with time. Her parents are grateful for the short time they got to spend loving her.
The family has enlisted Dyches Funeral Home and Crematory with the funeral arrangements.
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